1. Mitochondriopathies as a Clue to Systemic Disorders—Analytical ...
18 feb 2021 · The major cause of most mitochondrial disorders is a failure to produce an appropriate amount of ATP, which results in multisystemic disorders.
The mitochondrial respiratory chain is the main site of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the cell. Although mitochondria possess a powerful antioxidant system, an excess of ROS cannot be completely neutralized and cumulative oxidative ...
2. Frequent ventricular extrasystoles after heart transplantation: a late ...
20 mrt 2019 · 2, Alina Babenko ... Keywords: Heart transplantation, Thyrotoxicosis, Ventricular extrasystoles, Heart failure, Amiodarone , Case report ...
There is a lack of information about a mixed type of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) after heart transplantation (HTx) with no amiodarone treatment in almost 1 year. Frequent ventricular extrasystoles (VES) associated with a mixed type of ...
3. Levothyroxine and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Mini Review
4 apr 2023 · Babenko, N.A. Long- and short-term effects of thyroxine on ... Current Medicinal Chemistry Vitamins in Heart Failure: Friend or Enemy?
Levothyroxine or l-thyroxine is artificially manufactured thyroxine, which is used as a drug to treat underactive thyroid conditions in humans. The drug, levothyroxine, is consumed daily in a prescribed dose to replace the missing thyroid hormone thyroxine in an individual with an underactive thyroid, and it helps to maintain normal physiological conditions. Though it is a life-maintaining drug, it replaces the missing thyroid hormone and performs the necessary daily metabolic functions in our body. Like all other allopathic drugs, it comes with certain side effects, which include joint pain, cramps in muscle, weight gain/loss, hair loss, etc. The thyroid hormone, thyroxine, is known to mobilize fat in our body, including the ones from the hepatic system. An underactive thyroid may cause an accumulation of fat in the liver, leading to a fatty liver, which is clinically termed Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The correlation between hypothyroidism and NAFLD is now well-studied and recognized. As levothyroxine performs the functions of the missing thyroxine, it is anticipated, based on certain preliminary studies, that the drug helps to mobilize hepatic fat and thus may have a crucial role in mitigating the condition of NAFDL.
4. ePoster session - ESC 365
Access this e-posters on Chronic Heart Failure chaired by .
Cardiovascular science, insights and knowledge at your fingertips
5. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Wavelet-Based Kernel Construction for Heart Disease Classification · Erik ... Babenko, V. Vorivosin, A. Vorotkov, S. Gorodnicev, S. Dementiev, D ...
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6. [PDF] Book of Abstracts - LALS 2024 Conference
17 okt 2023 · in vivo for the detection of chronic heart failure (CHF), chronic heart failure and other non-communicable diseases. ... Babenko et al. The ...
7. [PDF] Untitled - Society of Regenerative Medicine
Elena Andreeva, Institute of Biomedical Problems of the ... Development of a method for visualisation of progenitor epicardial cells after a heart attack.
8. [PDF] Map of epigenetic age acceleration: a worldwide meta-analysis - bioRxiv
17 mrt 2024 · * Corresponding author: Alena Kalyakulina, kalyakulina.alena ... epigenetic clock analysis of race/ethnicity, sex, and coronary heart disease.
9. Thyrotoxic Cardiomyopathy: State of the Art - OUCI
Thyroid and cardiovascular disease: A focused review on the impact of hyperthyroidism in heart failure. ... Babenko AY, Bairamov AA, Grineva EN, Ulupova EO.
Thyroid hormones, mainly triiodothyronine, have genomic and non-genomic effects on cardiomyocytes related to the contractile function of the heart. Thyrotoxicosis, which is the set of signs and symptoms derived from the excess of circulating thyroid hormones, leads to increased cardiac output and decreased systemic vascular resistance, increasing the volume of circulating blood and causing systolic hypertension. In addition, the shortening of the refractory period of cardiomyocytes produces sinus tachycard…
10. Утро России : RUSSIA1 : June 30, 2022 9:30am-9:56am MSK
30 jun 2022 · ... heart problems , cardiovascular disease, the main reason. uh ... you said so, the rest of the actress alena babenko will tell ...
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