The Courier-Gazette from McKinney, Texas (2024)

ITHEN ITS IN THE NEWSPAPERS, ITS ON THE RECORD. IT DOWN IN BLACK ON WHITE. Page Eight Tent Revival Opens Here Tonight At 7:45 A big tent revival meeting begins at 7:45 o'clock with Evangelist C. G. Coldiron as the speaker.

The big tent is located at the corner of Elm and liockwnL Streets in South McKinney. ,1. H. Smith, the regular pastor, says ot the Evangelist preaches the old time Holy Ghost Gospel; you wiil call him a walking Bible. Prayers tor the sick every night, i Singing, wonders, miracles." The publ'c is invited to attend all services which are held each night at 7:45 o'clock.

Mother 01 Mrs. J. 0. Nelson Dies In Denton Friends in Collin county were notified Monday of the death of Mrs. T.

Fondren, who died at the home of her daughter. J. 0. Nelson in Denton. Funeral services will be held in Denton Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Fondrcn home was in Waxaehachie, but she had lived with her daughter for the past three or four years, during which- time she has been in frail health. She is well-known in McKinney and Collin County where she often visited when the Nelson family re- sided at Blue Ridge, and later in I McKinney before moving to Denton. DINE AT CAFE Monday, June 22, 1953. Ben O'Brien Passes Away Sunday Night Ben O'Brien, 8b.

who has lived in or around Celina. in northwest Collin County, all of his Life, died in Dallas Sunday night at 9:45 after a short illness. Ho was born in the Cottage Hill com- munitv. March 21, 1867. the son ot' Richard and Louise O'Brien.

He was married to Miss Lou Fitzgerald who passed away March -5. 1945 Survivors include one son. B. E. r.

nu i Brrien, editor of the elm a Master David Miller. McKinney. jn Celina; one granddaughter. Pat O'Brien, ot Celina; one sister Mrs. J.

Atkins, of Celina and Discharged: A J. Moore. Weston Mrs. Dorothv Inman, Dallas. Mrs Marvin Wilbanks.

Farmers Branch. Master Gary Don Dinsmore. Mc- Kinrey. D. Bryson.

McKinney. Mrs. Alice Pingleton. McKinney Joe D. Fisher.

McKinney. Master Sherman Smith, Plano. Warren. Princeton. Jim O.

Knox. McKinney W. Rutledge. McKinney Admitted: Hankins, McKinney Master David Miller. McKinney.

Mrs Cecil Marlin. McKinney Reatherfford. McKinney. Mrs George Cantrell. Princeton.

Mrs. C. E. Green. McKinney.

NEW VOTER three brothers: J. O'Brien Frank O'Brien and C. O'Brien, all of Celina. Funeral services were held Mondav at 2 o'clock at the First Christian Church in Celina, conducted Rev J. Epting, of Sherman.

Burial followed in the Celina cemetery with the Funeral Home in charge of ar! rangements. i Pallbearers were Nolan Walker, i Paul O'Brien. Maynard ns. I Ross Atkins. Harry Laffertv and 1 Bill Gearhart Mrs.

Daisy Blaine funeral Services Held Monday Funeral services were netd Monday at 4 o'clock in the First Methodist Church in Celina for Mrs. Daisy Ellen Blaine. 83, who died in St. Paul's Hospital, Dallas, at 9:20 o'clock Sunday morning. She had been ill only two days following a heart attack.

Rev Wesley Hite, of Dallas, assisted by C. B. Garrett, of Greenville, and the Rev. Ken neth Thomas, of Celina. conducted the service after which burial wa- made in the Cottage Hill Ceme ten with Helms Funeral Home in charge.

Pallbearers were: Frank Allen. Paul Eldon Bilderback. Carl Perry. Jim Giendenen and C. Ownsbv.

She was born September 5. 1869 in Glade Springs. the daughter of Bingham and Ellen Snider Byers. She came to Texas at the age of four and lived in Collin County most of her life She married Robert Alexander Blaine December 12. 1889 in Celina.

Mrs. Blaine was the mother ot twelve children, eleven ot whom survive as follows: B. Blaine. N. B.

Blaine, both of Dallas; Rich ard Blaine, of Plano: R. A. Blaine, Jr of Gainesville; Marshall Blaine of Celina: Dudley Blaine, of Fort Worth; Mrs. Emory A Se.iglcr, ot Plano; Mrs. S.

C. Cline. Mrs. Jessie Mae Ownsbv. both of Celina; Mrs W.

R. Blair, of Denton and Mrs. C. W. Yea rye of Howe.

"Ten Most Wanted" Criminals I GREGORY PECK SUSAN HAYWARD AVA GARDNER I ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S THE hows echnicolor Also Metro News and Going Going Ritz Theatre Tonight At 9:30 Admission 80c No Reserve Seats RCY G. ROBERTS INSURANCE N. Aentucky St. IT A GIRL Dr. and Mrs.

W. Bray. Jr. ot the Veterans Administration Hospital here, announce the arrival ot a badv daughter, born to them June 15 at 6 47 p.m. in Florence y.

c0 Mrs. Alice Nightengale Dai la-, -he 26U McDoug. little mi-- weuned 7 and- and niu. wn 12 ounces and has been named Elizabeth Alice. The many friend- Mrs.

Alice Hill Passes Away in Greenville Funeral services were held Monday at 5 o'clock in the Baptist of the happy young parents extend congratulations them upon the arrival of their little daughter. CALL 2-4491 2-4492 FOR TAXI ALWAYS GOOD 365 DAYS A YEAR JULIUS C. SMITH JEWELRY MATCH REPAIRING J-welry Repairing PHONE 2 3122 GENERATOR, STARTER, BATTERY SERVICE Magnolia Pioducts JOHNNIE KISSINGER 1117 Tcnn. St. Phone I -0001 all street in Greenville Sunday at 10:55 a.m.

Burial followed in Bethel cemetery under the direction of the Crouch-Moore funeral home of McKinney. She was born September 17. 18o9 Arkansas, the daughter of Zerah and Elizabeth Crow Stodard. She is survived by three daughters Mrs. A.

G. Stewart of San Antonio; Mr- Tom Crouch of Greenville and Mrs C. Ramey of Vernon; three sons: W. L. Hill of Frisco, Wylie Resident Dies At Aae 0191 Years Leander Wells Galiaher 91.

retired farmer of the W'vlie com-: owner who was seized in his home in that town and forced to accompany the bandits to his restaurant in Lowell. The aged man. unable to attract munity. died there Saturday noon at 1130 o'clock. He has recently- been making his home at 1213 Forest in Dallas.

Funeral services were held Sun- dav at 2:30 in the Crouch- Moore chapel of this city, conducted by Rev A Snider. Christian minister of McKinney Burial followed in the Forest Grove cemetery with grandsons acting as pallbearers. Mr. Galiaher. a life-time resident of Collin County, was born 'ollin County, the JOHN RALEIGH COOKE Raleigh Cooke, a vicious lias bragged to his underworld pals that he never will be put behind prison bars again.

The FBI officially classifies him as dangerous" and warns that caution should be used in attempting to apprehend him. The tall, 29 year-old. brow n-haired, hazel-eyed Cooke may be accompanied in his flight by his wife. She is described as a slender, dark haired woman, five feet five inches tall, weighing 120-130 pounds, with hazel eyes and long hair which may be arranged in an Cooke reportedly visited Connecticut and Texas alter the Mas- saehuse.ts crimes. He is known to have lived at one time in California.

and may have returned to that state He also has resided at Hartford. Conn. His criminal career began in 1937, when he was sentenced to a Massachusetts reformatory a- a juvenile delinquent. He also has served terms in New York state for robbery. He repeatedly was returned to prison tor parole violation.

During his infrequent periods of ---r "going straight," Cooke has work attention to his plight despite the i a clerk, and laborer that thr ratr was rrrwt.eci wiui jjerc arc other aids to identifiea John gunman who has boasted that he never will be returned to prison, has been added to the FBI list of "ten most wanted" fugitives. Cooke replaces the notorious desperado Gordon Lee Cooper, who was Captured by FBI agents at St. Louis. June 11 Ry JAMES LEE Staff Corrf'pnndfnt Washington. June 22 The FBI enrolled fugitive er-handit John Raleigh Cooke on its "ten most wanted" list today and warned that his ugly criminal record makes him a particular menace to society.

Cooke is wanted for his part in a brutal robbery and kidnaping at Chelmsford, last Sept. 4 His three accomplices in the crime, which climaxed a wild spree of banditry in the Lowell (Mass.) area, have been captured. Victims of the Chelmsford incident included a 79-year-old caie ALL- HEW TRIPLE-TERROR THRUMS tion of the new man on the "most wanted" list Aliases Kino John llaleign aok. Raleigh May 28. 1872 in Collin County.

() and Bryan Hill both of Reno, son of Billie and Annie Galiaher Nevada: twenty-three grandchild- Surviving are five daughters great-grand- ren and thirty-nine children. New York Day is a legal holiday in all states except Kansas and a George Washington owned a set of the third edition of the clopaedia Britannica A NEAT APPEARANCE POINTS TO SUCCESS Play it smart in business! Look your best, always! It easv if you depend on our fine dry cleaning and pressing. Let us keep your wardrobe at its best. SUTHERLAND CLEANERS 1213 X. Kv.

Pho. 2-5121 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Commercial and Household Me MILLAS APPLIANCE East La. Phone 2-5421 RAY CRAIG CO INSURANCE G. I. AND FHA LOANS Phone 2 2241 Mrs.

Myrtle ot Celeste; Mrs Laura Law ley of Dallas: Mrs. Hat tie Wells of Hugh Springs; Genevieve Eilcnberg of Wylie. Mrs Fay Dotson of Allen and one son. D. Galiaher of McKinney.

Thirty grandchildren, seventeen great grandgrandchildren and one great great-grandchild also VISITING GRANDMOTHER Linda Blackwell of Dalla- is visiting her grandmother Mrs i Edith Smallwood and other rcb fives at Weston. notice to barbers To all Collin County Barbers lard especially to all Owners and Operator- you arc invited to I tend a meeting at the Palace Barber Shop. Louisiana Street at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Evening.

June 24th. at McKinney. Texas At which time the organization of a Master Barbers Association will be discussed. This meeting is called by Field Representative M. M.

Kennedy. fact that the calc was crewucd wan patrons, was compelled to open his cafe and turn over his cash to his captors Later, the gunmen held up a hotel bar in Lowell. On Sept. 5. Cooke was arrested I Cooke in Fitchburg, on a charge Vge 29 born 0ct ot carry ing a concealed weapon.

Uo iSx bu. was released on SUMO bead. which he promptly jumped. lieht brown eve- Shortly thereafter. Cooke and med urn, his three companions were identi- nazci, iuiuhit i tied as ot the mes nabbed 'the'other throe, Cooke eluded capture.

Scars and marks -Mastoul s. A flagrant parole violator. Cooke behind left Many laint at every per- lormance. If you want an unusual evening, don't miss the Asylum of Horrors." Box Office coming to ra LON (HANEY IN WOLF MAN IliAAAAAAAAA Reneaus Floral and Memorial Service 1517 S. Tennessee St.

Phoue 2-3366 mm fwi BEHIND EACH PRESCHIPTI0N! The very best at our command: Wealth of experience Fresh, potent druijs Extensive stocks and facilities For you and yours for ease assurance bring your prescription, here. NORTH SIDE Allspice is the dned unripe trim hum the pimento tree. Keep YOUR FEET LAST DAY "THE BIG SKY" with Kirk Douglas and Dcwev Martin VKo Seasoning RITZ TONIGHT MIDNIGHT The Rilz Theatre will be conj verted into an Asylum of 1 To light Dr. Silkini, the ghost master presents his weird comedy riot or. the stage.

This show tea ture(- the one and only FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER, who is pictured above direct from the Studios in Hollywood proclaim FRANKENSTEIN to be more gruesome on the stage than on the screen Girli This show will cither put new life in your men or new men in your life. Bring your boyfriend and see if you have a MAN or MOUSE. You will be thrilled' Horrified! Scared to Death when you see ENSEIN in person. This show i- jthe carie-t and screen fright of them all a thriller for anyone from 6 to 60, but as Dr. Silkini says.

all in good fun." Many taint away at every perform IN DALLAS Miss Margaret Cowan, daughter of Mrs. R. L. Cowan of this city, has accepted a position as Youth Director, with the Highland Bark Presbvterian church for the summer In the fall Miss Cowan will resume her studies in religious work in Richmond, Va Fewer words begin with than anv other letter. Come in NOW for QUICK FOOT RELIEF 'Thin week dedicated to you tlirtl ahaolutoiy to i of dtlloiuMW.

tired, tender, bunting AtiiioU 'a Font or to wMk or you how millions foot happv through I of Scholl's Foot to fort porta. Df. FOOT COMFORT' WEEK June 20 to 27 bcraeSkoe Store ANO kitvncy ance; so it you evening, mi Horrors" Theatre 1 URNED NOW the st. Tonight AWAY ant an unusual the "Asylum ot of the ni DON'T BE BUY TICKETS LON Plus On Screen: CHANEY IN WOLFMA.Y’ It is always a comfort to the bereaved family to know that the final tribute to a loved one has been a service of memorable beauty. Our services are conducted according to your wishes in an atmosphere of beauty and reverence.

Turrentine-Jackson Mortuary Massie Funeral Home) AMBULANCE SERVICE TELEHONE 2-2601 TEX. COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE PUT YOUR CLOTHES IN EXPERT HANDS It a good feeling to know that your clothes are getting the very best in scientific cleaning and expert pressing! Be smart! Send your clothes to our experts! ARTHUR McGHEE SON CLEANING PRESSING ALTERATIONS No. 1 110 W. Virginia No. 2 204 S.

Tennessee Phone 2-4291 Phone 2-3141 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR PICKUP DELIVERY SERVICE AND Breakfast Club Program Telecast Al 7 A. M. Tuesday Laud Howell, local Philco fleal- er, has been notified that on Tuesday morning, June 23 from 7 to 8 there will be a special telecast of the Breakfast Club on Channel 8. Dallas. Don McNeill, host for the program, will be celebrating his 20th anniversary with the Breakfast Club This program will also be broadcast on the regular daily radio program.

Since this is one of the most popular programs on the air, and since Philco sponsors the last forty- five minutes of the hour-long program, Mr. Howell wishes to an I bpringtield, nounce time and date to local folk regarding Tuesday telecast. Donaies $5 To McKinney Fire Boys Charlie Tarvin, who resides about live miles nl town, -enl $5 to the McKinney lire boys for iheir work putting out a grass fire Friday. The grass caught lire and threatened the house but the fireboys quickly extinguished the blaze, thus saving the house from possible danger Basketball was organized in 1891. A Point of Pride Our point of Pride is that iradition of greater service that has withstood the passing of lime tested by many proven to all Hills tUNiRAL HOME All Burial Pii one 2-3351 McKinney, Texa:.

The Courier-Gazette from McKinney, Texas (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.